Truth or Myth - Having Realtor Representation When Buying a New Build

There is a lot of controversy out there about having a realtor represent you when buying a brand new home. I am here to state the facts.

  1. Having representation brings my price point up. MYTH - Not only can I negotiate on your behalf to make sure you are getting the best deal, commissions that builders pay to agents comes from a completely separate budget and has nothing to do with the purchase price.

  2. Having representation is more beneficial when the realtor has knowledge and experience in new homes. TRUTH - As someone who has worked in new home sales, I can sort through the competition, make sure you are getting the best quality, and save you time and money in the process.

  1. Having representation does not offer any additional protection. MYTH - When represented by a licensed professional, you'll have access to a trusted area manager and mortgage broker so that there are no grey areas during the buying process.

  2. Having representation does not benefit me down the line. MYTH - As a licensed realtor, I can help sell your existing home, buy additional properties, and sell those as well down the line. With exceptional marketing skills and constant action within the market, you can be CONFIDENT that you are making the right move.

Please keep in mind when it comes to new builds, you get what you pay for. We work with trusted home builders that we know build above and beyond the standard building code.


The #1 Tip for New Construction Home Buyers